Regular and thorough brushing and flossing are key to keeping health oral hygiene, however even the most vigorous routine cannot guarantee damages or diseases from still developing. General and preventative dentistry provides an opportunity for our experienced and established dental staff to take a close examination of your mouth to ensure your health isn’t compromised. Often diseases like periodontal disease go unnoticed and untreated. Protect your oral health. Call the dental office of Carolyn Bronke DDS today!
“Dr. Vivian greatly improved the way my bite feels and the esthetics of my smile. Dr. Vivian assessed what was needed and performed the needed work with great skill. I am amazed at how much better I can chew and the way my teeth look. Best of all the whole process was painless!” ”
– Tom L.
Scheduling regular dental checkups with Carolyn Bronke DDS is vital so that problems can be found early and tooth decay can be prevented if possible. Parents should teach their children at an early age how to take care of their teeth and get them used to visiting the dentist on a regular basis. This will allow our dental staff to find any potential problems and take care of them early so that children and teens can develop a beautiful smile and have healthy teeth and gums as they grow into adulthood.
“Best dental office I have been to. Friendly welcoming staff. Dedicated, professional and informative. Office is spotless and up to date on all the modern technology. If it is an emergency or routine I am always given thorough informative treatment. Very satisfied patient!”
– Jackie H.